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Taking Control of Your Child’s Education

Taking Control of Your Child’s Education

It’s Easier Than Ever to Find the Right Fit

By Everett Catts

One of the positive outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic—when students were confined to remote learning for months or longer—is that there is a much wider variety of school options available to choose from. Now more than ever, parents can be in more control of their child’s education.

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Making the Grade

Making the Grade

How to Help Your Child Raise Their Test Scores

By Everett Catts

“Learning loss”is a term that’s used to describe a decrease in academic skills—the kind that students often experience during summer break.

When the COVID-19 pandemic caused schools to switch from in-person classes to online instruction in 2020, many students experienced learning loss due to the disruption of their school routine and the challenges of adjusting to remote learning. And although schools have long since resumed in-person learning, traditional measurements of academic progress have continued to decline.

Four years later, how have Atlanta-area children been affected? What are public and independent schools doing to address learning loss? And what can you do to help your child succeed academically?

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How to Save Money for College

How to Save Money for College

Expert Advice on Helping to Pay for Higher Education

By Everett Catts

Saving for your child’s future education may seem like a hopeless task. College tuition rates continue to rise, which can make paying for higher education feel unattainable.

But don’t give up hope. There are options available that can help you put money away for your child’s college years while also helping you during tax season. Here are a couple of expert-recommended steps you can take now to help guarantee a brighter future for your children.

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How to Interview a School

How to Interview a School

Questions to Ask to Find the Right Fit

By H.M. Cauley

For parents looking for educational options for their children, one of the best developments in education is the availability of a wider range of school choices than ever before. At the same time, this abundance of choice can be a source of stress when searching for a school, as parents work to weigh a greater number of alternatives objectively.

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How to Find Scholarships

How to Find Scholarships

Financial Aid for Independent Schools and Colleges

By Everett Catts and Laura Raines

Whether you’re considering an independent school for your child or helping your teenager explore college options, one of your largest challenges is likely figuring out how to pay for it.

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What Is the Curriculum?

What Is the Curriculum?

Discover What Your Child Is Learning at School

By Sheila Cosgrove And Christine Fonville

There are a lot of factors parents have to consider when searching for a school for their child. What is the school’s mission or philosophy? What is its reputation in the community? If it’s an independent school, how much is the tuition?

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What Teachers Want You to Know

An Inside Look at the Real Job of Teaching

By Michelle Bourg

Teaching has to be one of the most rewarding professions out there. Helping to mold the next generation, seeing “the light come on” when they finally grasp an elusive concept, watching as their confidence and skills grow day by day and experiencing wonder and fascination through the eyes of a child—teachers cite all these things as inspirations to enter the field and what continues to motivate them in the classroom during every school year.

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Taking the Stress Out of Tests

Tips to Help Your Child Cope

By Larry Anderson

Any student can tell you: Tests cause stress. That stress can come from many places. Most students want to perform well on tests, so a little anxiety is natural. On top of that, children—especially teenagers—can be subject to a swirling mass of emotions, causing them to doubt and criticize themselves. They may feel pressure to perform as well as their friends. And then they may feel pressure from their parents, especially when it comes to the SAT, which many colleges and universities use to measure a student’s readiness for college.

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Easing Into a New School

How to Ensure a Smooth Transition

By E. Marcel Pourtout and Michelle Bourg

As the old saying goes, “Nothing is constant except change.” All change requires some adjustment, and a move is right up at the top of the list. This can be difficult for adults, let alone for children, who thrive on routine and have fewer coping skills.

From preschool to college, starting or changing schools is a dramatic—potentially traumatic—milestone. School is where children establish an identity and relationships outside the family; changing schools means establishing friendships all over again. When you combine this with a move, the stress levels can increase exponentially.

However, there are simple strategies you can follow to ease your family’s transition to both a new home and a new school.

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How Schools Manage Mental Health

How Schools Manage Mental Health

Creating a Plan to Improve Students’ Well-Being in Schools

By Jon Styf

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the mental health of school-aged children, adding in isolation and fear to an already complicated point in life.

From virtual schooling to separation of students to masking, the many elements to a complex situation all contributed to an environment where more students felt alone or at risk.

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